
Overrides: https://mega.nz/folder/lCpDUCrS#50s7UXuBbS26wmKIzoDs9w/folder/9HxV3SQS
You're still making characters You've already surpassed me. It's really cool that you're good at 3D modeling
Awesome card
Yours is better than original
Wow I'm fucking gay now
@wasans @Star @kuc4916 @OFM i love you all! big hearts for all of you
Hey, all of your cards are great and they look perfect with the overrides when talking to them directly. I only have one issue where they all look super tan otherwise. Like, my entire class is just tanned boys who turn porcelain white once I start talking to them. Is there any way to fix this?
And I should mention I am already using 15_untan_lowpoly_v2. If I delete that things get much worse. They're more of a light tan.
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