Neshinna Biba

So when I was 16, I used to work in a grocery store. And we had one customer who always came in who was always very obviously mentally ill. And one day I was bagging her groceries, and she said to me, “don’t you wish it was back to the cotton picking days?” And I was like, “hmm,” And she was like, “don’t you wish it was back to the cotton picking days?” And I was like, “as in slavery?” And she was like, “yes.” And I was like, “why the fuck would you ask me that?” And my manager was like, “what’s going on?” And I was like, “I’m gonna have to step away before I throw a punch at an elderly woman.” And she was like, “okay go in to the break room.” A week later we found out the old woman had a heart attack and died. And I’m not saying she deserved it. But I’m saying ~・゚:*God’s timing is always right!*:・゚✧ ~
biba MAY whiteface in your game if you previously downloaded the FIRST version of my sylveon (the one before i fixed it). plz be aware of this and instead delete the override, then let biba's card re-extract!
This character is very mysterious.. While she's not Evil or Harsh, I found that after an H scene with her, she would lock you into a room, cover your face with a cloth, then throw your unconscious body into the gym closet never to be seen again! I even looked up the AA2 wiki page and it doesn't even describe this type of personality behavior at all.
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