Oosuki Mamako

NOT A MOD CARD! Download the override files:
Uses Suspender Dress: https://mega.nz/file/cowQgQqb#bQ5xu1xtdCSo-V-B5eEd3xkTxeGc-ESGHvuxfHLoJYU
Motherly Personality by C4: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kk-motherly-49002475
Look at all those motherfuckers downloading this card.
card doesnt even show up in character editor
I require people using atleast 1.6.1 version of AAU. Later version is highly recommended. Make sure to follow the installation guide carefully. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS8Ap6CrmSNXRsKG9jsIMqHYuHM3Cfs5qE5nX6iIgfzLlcWnmiwzmOrp27ytEMX03lFNRR7U5UXJalA/pub
where is GuFeng.xx to use?
Why I can not use same hair?
i downloaded this card and all the needed overrides and personality but it seems to cause my game to crash when i try to interact with her. I'm also having issues with another character card (Aqua), but i can't figure out if is that card or this one that's casing issues, since they were the last cards i downloaded.
@srraposo I haven't been able to replicate what you are experiencing. please join us in the server and we'll discuss it there, so others might help you as well: https://discord.com/invite/acCDXYnPWs
Added support for CIV body
Added support for MKIIV body - credits to Teddy A.K.A. Whateverman
CIMV override variant made by Whateverman. Thank you very much
I dont understand what overide folder i need to download
I figured it out lol sorry! thank you for card :)
Face fix https://drive.google.com/file/d/115fqZATauj0AZdIwJM0vKHPJy4zFzLQU/view?usp=share_link
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