
It's Finally over
Strangely enough, I feel like the eyes were better in the previous version. Also the hair is more narrow now while the head is longer? Also the previous skin color seemed more accurate.
I'd honestly just revert to the previous version and try to fix the hair extension color mismatch and clipping and be done with it. It was already a really good card, didn't need radical changes
Since you seem to appreciate feedback, have you thought about joining the discord server, where feedback would be more immediate and you wouldn't have to snowflake each time?
Tell me your favorite version and why
How can I join the discord server?
Try joining through this link vvvvvvv
Keep in mind you need to provide a game generated screenshot to access all the channels.
Well, as expected! I don't like it again. If you want to make your wairu look better, go to discord and ask for help from kind people.
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